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Deborah Lacy

Blame the Butler Sponsors Sleuthfest

Updated: Sep 25, 2024

SLEUTHFEST POSTPONED - A big old hurricane got in the way of this years' Sleuthfest. So the event has been postponed until May of next year. Sometimes you just can't fight Mother Nature. We'll have more on Sleuthfest as we get closer to May. A big thank you to all of the committee members, and volunteers who are working so hard on this event.


Blame the Butler is proud to be a sponsor of Sleuthfest, being held by Mystery Writers of America, Florida Chapter September 26-29 in St. Petersburg, Florida.

This year's Sleuthfest Guest of Honor is Lisa Unger, and the Forensic Guest of Honor, Katherine Ramsland. They also have an impressive line up of speakers including Lou Berney and Isabella Maldonado. I especially love Lou Berney's books.

Sleuthfest always holds a special place for me and Blame the Butler most likely wouldn't exist without this event because that's where I met the Hammond sisters, and Kerry is my business partner for this venture.

Big kudos to JD Allen, PJ Parrish and the rest of the Sleuthfest team at Mystery Writers of America Florida in putting together this fabulous event and letting Blame the Butler be a part of it.

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